Serving Women Since 1987
Call us: 1.301.770.4444
  • free parenting classes
    Already a Parent

Discovering you are pregnant again when you were not planning to be can be stressful
You may feel as though you don't have the time or financial resources to care for another child
Rockville Pregnancy Clinic understands you have unique concerns as a parent trying to provide for the children you already have

Considering Abortion?

If you are pregnant and you didn't plan to have more children, you may be considering abortion. Before you visit an abortion clinic, make an appointment at Rockville Pregnancy Clinic. Our staff will help you understand the abortion procedures available to you, as well as other options you might have. Make an appointment today.

Get a Sonogram

If you're considering abortion, it's important to have a sonogram. A sonogram will tell you how many weeks pregnant you are, which will determine the types of abortions available to you. It will also tell you if the pregnancy is in the uterus, and if there is a heartbeat. Free sonograms are available at Rockville Pregnancy Clinic. Make an appointment today.

Telling Your Partner You Are Pregnant

Worried about breaking the news about your unplanned pregnancy to your husband, boyfriend or partner? Searching for a solution before anyone finds out? Rockville Pregnancy Clinic is here to talk with you.

Our staff is available to listen to your concerns, provide support and offer advice for telling others about your pregnancy.

Make a confidential appointment at Rockville Pregnancy Clinic today.

Community Referrals

The cost of another child can be overwhelming. The Rockville Pregnancy Clinic is able to provide community resources to help you in your unique situation.

Our clinic partners with numerous outside community organizations to provide a wide range of services for women experiencing unplanned pregnancies and other health concerns.

There is support available in the areas of food, low cost pre-natal care, maternity and baby clothing, baby furniture, child care, counseling, and much more. Contact the Rockville Pregnancy Clinic for more information.

Licensed Medical Clinic | Professional Staff | Accurate Medical Information